FAQ answer

What performance can be expected?

The simple answer is that you will get the same performance as if you only used ATMEL's® direct register manipulation acronyms in your program. In other words, the majority of the Ddr-ArdMeg functions will be compiled into a small number of inlined assembler instructions, in many cases 1 or 2. The added benefit of Ddr-ArdMeg is that the source code will be more readable and that it has a higher level of type safety. The two statements below are from a functional point of view (almost) equivalent. They both compile into a cbi-instruction but readability and type safety differs.

// Using ATMEL's® acronyms

DDRD &= ~(1<<PD2);

// Using Ddr-ArdMeg


setModeInput() actually compiles into 2 assembler instruction in order to make sure that pull-up resistors are disabled. This is not taken care of by the acronym example.

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April 10th, 2017
Beta release 1.00 goes live.

March 15, 2017
Site goes live. Beta release is in the making.