FAQ answerWhat do I need to use Ddr-ArdMeg?First, you need the AVR-GCC compiler. Ddr-ArdMeg was developed and tested using version 4.9.2. At an early stage of the development version 4.7.2 was used without any problems. Prior to AVR-GCC 4.7.2 the code size optimizations didn't do the job that well.
Second, you need the AVR Libc version 1.8.1 (-ish). Version 1.8.0 seems to work as well.
Third, you need AvrDude, preferably version 6.3.0, for uploading your programs to the MCU.
The setup I'm using myself is based on Eclipse CDT. I followed this tutorial. However, I used AVR-GCC, AvrLibC and AvrDude from the Arduino Eclipse IDE below owing to unresolved configuration probelms.
A more straight forward approach is to use the Eclipse C++ IDE for Arduino. There is a really nice installation video at Youtube. Finally, it should be possible to use Ddr-ArdMeg as is in the Arduino IDE. However, a quick test of the Hello world! program didn't compile for whatever reason. If someone has any success story to share, please do so. |
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