FAQ answerHow do I install the library?Ddr-ArdMeg is distributed as source code only. In other words:
Recomended compiler flags are:
Recomended linker flags are:
I have also had some success with the -flto flag (link time optimization). The best case reduced code size by 15%, no improvement in performance. The worst case increased code size by about 10%.
There are obviously a plethora of other compiler/linker flags that may have impact on performance and code size. However, the settings above have, during the development of Ddr-ArdMeg, consistently generated the smallest and fastest code for the library. No other -Ox flag has yet beaten -Os.
Note If your personal coding style requires another -Ox flag than -Os in order to reach acceptable size and performance, the size of Ddr-ArdMeg may increase and the performance may decrease. |
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